Computer Graphics

Wodynski started computer graphics in the mid eighties with paint programs like Lumina and 3D programs like Pansophic.  The computer became a natural extension of his creative work.  He created hundreds of  titles and graphics for the weekly TV show Quest and numerous videos and video documentaries as well as presentations.                             Back

New Year's E-Card 2008, Photoshop

Bird of Time, Photoshop

New Year's E-Card 2001, Photoshop

New Year's E-Card 2000, Photoshop

Television Graphic for Quest, 1990, Lumina and Pansophic

Television Graphic for Crossing Cultures Documentary, 1991, Lumina and Pansophic

Television Graphic for Quest, 1988, Lumina

Television Graphic for Quest, 1988, Pansophic
